Friday, December 23, 2005

All About Me..

The Basics
Profession: Public Servant

Relationship Status: Single 'n still waitng 4 'the right' one

What's Your Sign?: Cancerian

Any Siblings?: Yupz..

Shoe size: 39 - 40

Where were you born?: Makassar

Righty or Lefty?: Lefty

What month were you born in?: June

My Favorites
Favorite Color: Everybody knows my fave colors is...... PINK!!!

Favorite Song/Singer: So Simple / Stacie Orico (I don't even know who she is.. but i love her song..)

Favorite Book/Author: all of ADNAN OCTAR Books.. Or also known as HARUN YAHYA.... (I HIGHLY RECOMMENDED HIS BOOKS!!) He's a Turkish prominent intellectual. In all of his books, faith-related issues are explained in the light of the Qur'anic verses and people are invited to learn God's words and to live by them. All the subjects that concern God's verses are explained with LOGICAL WAY and PROVEN WITH SCIENCE RESEARCH that leave NO ROOM 4 DOUBT or QUESTIONS MARKS in the reader's mind. SINCERE, PLAIN and FLUENT style make sures that EVERYONE of EVERY AGE can easily understand the books. Even those WHO REJECT SPIRITUALLY are influenced by the facts recounted in these books and cannot refute the truthfulness of their contents. SUBHANALLAH...

Favorite Celebrity : Johnny depp..

Favorite Childhood Memory: Cendana 113 Memories... Huhuuuwh... Miss those moment... I was so young, careless 'n so f*ckin' FREE..!!

Favorite Person In Your Life: My FATHER... Luv u with all my heart, dad...

Favorite Facebook Application : texas Hold'em Poker

This or That
Big Mac or Whopper: Actually my fave Burger is Mushroom Swiss Cheeseburger from Burger King.. Nyam.. nyam.. But i prefer WHOPPER than Big mac.. I'm sorry McDonald.. I luv u, too.. but still... Burger king is d best.. (gw bisa di tuntut ga niy..??)

Facebook or MySpace: FACEBOOK laahh.... Banyak games nya gt loooowhh...

Summer or Winter: Winter... (kaya' yg ada ajah di Indo..) Yaahh.. Intinya musim dingin laah...

Rain or Shine : Come rain, come shine... lalaaa... RAIN.. :)

Plane or Boat: Mmmm.... Actually i'm scared of flyin'... but apa boleh buat... PLANE..!!

Morning or Night: Nighty NIGHT..

Movie or Play: Play.... Player gt loooh.. ;p

Walk or Drive: Drive ah... cape kalo jalan...

Money or Love: Mmm... Hard choices.. but i choose, LOVE.. (standard..)

Forgiveness or Revenge: Menurut loo...?? REVENGE for Sure... but in my own way... soft and smoothly...

House or Apartment: House dooonk...

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Middle

Do You?
Smoke: Yup..

Drink: What kind of 'drink'..?? Aer putih..?? YA iyalaahh...

Spend Your Life On Facebook: Kalo lagi ga ada kerjaan.. IYAH... Berhubung sekarang lagi pengangguran 'n sakit2an, i spent most of my time on facebook 'n play d 'silly' games on it... ;p

Belong To Any Organizations: Yups.. Tim keren.. Gank Tajir... Gank Mulu' Mama'2.. mm... apalagi yah...?? ;p

Love Your Job: My Previous Job..?? Yeah.. Love it so much..!! My next job..?? Mmm... kinda blurry.. I don't even start my 1st day, yet.. But i hope i'll love my new job... Wish me luck, Guys...

Like To Cook: Yup.. I'm good at cooking... but too lazy to do it...!!

Play An Instrument: Used to... I played organ when i was in junior highschool...oh iya.. ada lagi.. Waktu SD gw jago maen suling ma pianika.. hahaaa

Sing: Yup.. On karouke Room or Bathroom...?? ;p

Dance: Kalo lg mood.. YEAH, baby.... ;p

Speak Multiple Languages: Of Course laahhh... I can mix Indonesian, Jakarta, sundanesse, n Bahasa 'gaul' Makassar in one sentence... ;p

Paint: Abstract... Yeah... ;p

Write: Sometimes i write some 'stupid' poems for myself.. And YEAH.. I DO WRITE..!! My Hidden Fantasy is to become a writer..

Do you wish you lived somewhere else?: Yeahh... faraway land...

Do you like roller coasters?: nope

Enjoy spending time with your Mother?: yeaaahhh

Know how to play chess?: sure...

Ever miss being a little kid?: yep

Want to get married?: yeaahh

Have You Ever
Stolen Anything: Hmm.. I wont say NO...

Had Sex In A Public Place: No Way..!!!

Got A Speeding Ticket: Nope... kan ada istilah 'DAMAI, sir'!! ;p

Fantasized About A Co-Worker: Co-Worker..?? NO!!

Cheated In A Relationship: Mmm.. Dunno... But i don't think so...

Eaten Food Off The Floor: Mmm... Blom 5 menittt....

Wished You Were Someone Else: Used to.. but now.. NO WAY!! I'M HAPPY BEING ME...!!!

Cried During A Movie: Yup.. all the time...

Describe Yourself In One Word: 'INDRI'... i think those word is good enough to describe WHO I AM...!!

Biggest Fear: My LORD..

Biggest Mistake: Wasted too much time..

Your Proudest Accomplishment: Found Who i really am, what i want and what is my purpose on this life..

#1 Priority In Your Life: My Family..

Special Talents: I'm so Damn SMART..!! Hahaa

Where Are You Right Now: My Pinky Room

Famous Person You Want To Meet: My Prophet.. Muhammad SAW..

Place To Visit Before You Die: Ka'bah

Song Played At Your Funeral: Ayat2 Suci Al-Qur'an.. Amiiin...

Is your life simple or complicated?: simply complicated

Have you laughed until you cried: Yeah..

Have you found out who your true friends were: Yup.. Myself..!!

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