Monday, March 29, 2010

Stupid Conversation @ poker hold'em table on FB

Arthur : Hei A, what model car is that?
A. Indri : bugatti veyron..
Arthur : nice
A. Indri : ;p
Arthur : yours??
A Indri : yeahh..
Arthur : cool

Hahaaa.... That's imposibble... gila kali tuh orang kalo percayaa..
Thats the most expensive car in d worldd....!!! Ga mungkin punya gwaaahhh... dodoolll.. hahahhaa...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

My U.S Trip Part II

Setelah seminggu lebih membeku di New York dan sekitarnya... Akhirnya gw menemukan kehangatan jugaa.. hehehee... Cuaca di California cukup bersahabat, ga sedingin di east cost... Thanks God

Day 1
New York - Salt Lake City
Harusnya gw naik pesawat langsung dari New York - Salt Lake City - Ontario, tapi berhubung cuaca lagi jelek banget di New York, pesawat di delayed hampir 2 jam... Hasilnyaaa... We missed our connecting flight to Ontario.. Mau ga mau terpaksa nginep 1 malam di Salt Lake City... Untung semua2nya disiapin dari penerbangannya nya (Delta Airlines) mulai dari Hotel, transportasi sama makan ditanggung sama merekaa.. (ya iyalaahh... yang salah kan merekaa..)

Day 2
Salt Lake City - Ontari0 - Las Vegas

Akhirnya sampe juga di ontarioo.. Ketemu ma tante n sodara2 gw disana.. So happy to see d face that i recognized di negeri antah berantah.. hehehee...
Sampe di Ontario, istirahat sebentar.. trus langsung cabs lagi ke Las Vegas... Sin City...

Day 3
Las Vegas - Hoover Dam - Grand Canyon - Ontario

Dari Las Vegas, we're heading to Grand Canyon... Mampir di Hoover dam, tempat syuting james bond... hmm...

Day 4
Ontario - Disneyland (Anaheim) - Orange County

Day 5
Orange County - Hollywood - LA

Day 6
On my Way Home..

Hiiksssss... sediihhh...

(Foto2 Nyusulll... ;p)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My U.S Trip Part I

Akhirnyaa.. hari yang gw tunggu2 dateng jugaa...
Liburaaaann.. ketempat yang selama ini cuma jadi m
impi gw doank.... yayyyy.... :D

Day 1
Jakarta - Hongkong - Taiwan - Anchorage - New York
Perjalanan terpanjaang selama hidup gw... 4 kali Take off, 4 kali landing...!!! Padahal gw parno banget ma yang namanya naik pesawat.. Tapi demi menginjakan kaki gw ke negara impian gw, it's ok lah...

The flight wasn't so good...
Dari Jakarta-Hongkong-Taiwan-Anchorage masih lancar2 ajahh... Cuaca masih bersahabat..
Tapiiii dari Anchorage ke New York.. Gossshh... It was a mess, beberapa kali ngalamin turbulence... and it was the worst turbulence ever..!! Gw sempet mikir kalo riwayat gw bakalan berakhir sampe disitu ajah... (padahal gw belum nginjekin kaki gw di New york!! :D)
But thanks God, We made it... We landed safely in JFK - NY... (horee...)

JFK International Airport - New York

Day 2
New Jersey - Woodburry Premium Factory Outlet

Marriot Saddle Brook Hotel - New Jersey

Hari kedua, gw n rombongan dibawa ke Woodburry Premium Factory outlet, tempatnya lumayan jauh juga, kurang lebih 1 jam dari hotel tempat kita tinggal...
Gw pikir di indo doank ada factory outlet, ternyata di amrik ada jg yah... hehehe.. Tempatnya lumayan.. banyak outlet brand terkenal disini... Mulai dari Prada, Coach, Bally, Dior, Salvatore Ferragamo, dll... Stok barangnya banyak (walaupun bukan keluaran yang terbaru) and kalo soal harga, lumayan miring lah yaah...
ibu2 dari rombongan gw pada kalap belanja.. Gw sendiri ga terlalu banyak keluyuran dan belanja disini.. Selain masih jetlag, gw kedinginaaaannn... Salju masih dimana-mana, dan gw ga nyangka bakalan sedingin ituu... Brrr..

Day 3
New York City

Di hari ke-3 ini, kita diajak keliling kota New York, mulai Wall street, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, dll...

Battery Park - NYC

Ms. Liberty 'n Me - Liberty Island

Manhattan view from Liberty Island

Times Square - NYC

Day 4
Philadelphia - Washington D.C

Today, we're visiting Independence National Historical Park -Philadelphia..

Independence National Historical Park -Philadelphia

"Independence Hall is a U.S. national landmark located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Chestnut Street between 5th and 6th Streets. Known primarily as the location where both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution were debated and adopted.The building was completed in 1753 as the Pennsylvania State House for the Province of Pennsylvania. It became the principal meeting place of the Second Continental Congress from 1775 to 1783 and was the site of the Constitution Convention in the summer of 1787. The building is part of Independence National Historical Park and is listed as a World Heritage Site." (Source: Wikipedia)

Setelah itu keliling2 di Philadelphia, we're heading to Washington D.C, ibu kota negara Amerika Serikat...
We visited Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, White House and Indonesian Embassy...

Lincoln Memorial - Washington D.C

Washington Monument

Embassy of Indonesia

Me and Mom infront of White House

Day 5
- Corning

We spent most of our time on d road.... It took all day long from Washington D.C to Buffalo, there were 2 stops before we got into Buffalo... Hershey's Chocolate World (HCW) and Corning Museum of Glass... HCW trip was OK.. But Corning Museum trip..?? i don't think so.. i think d travel agent shouldn't put it on our schedule.. Ga banyak yang bisa dilakukan disana.. Selain ngeliat koleksi barang2 yang terbuat dari kaca... Well, it was a cool stuff.. Tapi mau beli juga, takutnya malah pecah.....

Hershey's Chocolate's World


Day 6
Niagara falls (U.S & Canada Side) - Toronto (Canada)

It's One of my fave destination...
It was located only few meters from our hotel, so we took a walk to get there... The weather was so freakin' cold, but it worth d price... The falls was soooo amazing... Subhanallah...

Niagara Falls

Infront of Crown Plaza Hotel - Buffalo

Welcome to Niagara State Park


Haunted me..?? ;p

Setelah puas mengagumi pemandangan Niagara Falls, kita menuju Toronto untuk mengunjungi University of Toronto, Ontario Parliament Building, CN Tower.

University of Toronto

Ontario Parliament Building

CN Tower

View from CN Tower

Day 7

Ontario - Montreal - Quebec (Canada)

Dah mulai males nulis niihh... hehehee... So from now on.. Let's pictures talk ajah kali yaahh.. hehehee....

Day 8

Harvard University

John Harvard

Day 9
New Jersey

Hari terakhir bersama rombongan sirkus... Hari in gw n nyokap pisah ama rombongan... Mereka ngelanjutin perjalanan ke taipeh - Jakarta.. Sedangkan gw ma nyokap memutuskan untuk menjelajah Amerika bagian lain.. soo.. Californiaa... Here we come...!!! :)

(to be continued... )