Tuesday, October 6, 2009

u make me smile... :)

There are soooo many things I want to tell you...
Things that come right from my heart...
Things I feel when I'm close to you...
But.. I just don't know how to start it.....

There is no words to describe the way you make me feel...
But the smile you put into my face...
Tells everyone that this feelings is real....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Little Coversation between Mom and Me


Me : Ma, Kode koper berapa...??

Ma : 921
Me : Angka apaan tuh 921...??
Ma : Aduuhh masa kamu ga tau siihh... Itu kan ulang tahun bapak kamuu..
Me : Heehhh....??
Ma : Iyaaa.. Tanggal 9 Bulan 2 Tahun 1..... 953
Me : *&%$#*&..!!!!

(Please deh maammm.... Baru kali ini ada orang ngambil angka 1 dari tahun kelahiran untuk di jadiin password..!!!)


Ma : Indrii... Bawa Mama ke Malaysia dooonkk...
Me : Mau ngapainn..??
Ma : Mama pengen liat menara petromax..!!
Me : zzzzzzzzz

(Mau liat petromax ngapain jauh2 ke malaysia siihh... Liat ajah punya abang mi tek2... hihihihii)


Ma : Waahh.. hebat juga yah itu Yuni shara...
Me : Hebat kenapa..? biasa ajahh kaya'nyaa...
Ma : Ya hebat... Dia dapet pacar BRONCONG...!!
Me : God, hellppp....

(beda 1 huruf doank siihh... tp artinya dah bedaaa..!!)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tour d Korea

Namanya rejeki emang ga disangka-sangka yahh... Ga ada ujan, ga ada angin.. tiba2 nyokap nanyain... "Kamu mau ikut ke korea ga..??"
Ya mau laahhh... dan untung ajah boss gw yang baik hati ngasih ijin untuk pergi ke kampungnya Won bin.. hehehee...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Doubutsu Uranai

who is rather serious and polite type of person.... (ouuww really...??)
You value personal relationships...
You suppress yourself and act to be a sociable person... But you are really a person who doesn't like to loose to anyone....You dislike emotional atmosphere and vague attitude.
You want to make everything clear-cut...

If you get in a situation where there are lots of people you can not express yourself and act as a perfect person....
You are not very subjective sort of person, UNLIKE ORDINARY WOMEN..
but unfortunately you lack soft and gentle atmosphere...

You tend to be
too bold... You cannot help but stretch your hand to those who are in need....
You are very kind person who helps the weak... You are also weak on compliments, and will work enthusiastically after someone has given a compliment... (L O L)

You will go about your duty steadily and loyally, and not get in a rush to achieve the objective....
You have perseverance, and will work effortlessly until you reach your objective.... Something that you have worked steadily for a long, long time, will turn out to be an asset to the world.

You are
CAREFUL and RATIONAL, and therefore place value to steady life.
After getting married, you will be a devoted mother and a wife, but you are really A VERY DEPENDENT PERSON, and prefer to KEEP YOUR OWN LITTLE WORLD.....!!

Check Your profile here